I looking for normal (fluid) way add in tx_news (Template->News->List) count of comments from table EXT: news_comments for each entity. For Example:
News 1 (Comments:5)
News 2 (Commnets: 0)
Ok i create simple ViewHelper for this. I guess not allowed if you have few thousand posts but if few hundred - all will be ok. First we nned add ViewHelper in our project EXT
namespace HIT\huskytheme\ViewHelpers\News;
class CountCommnetsViewHelper extends \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper {
* @var \DRCSystems\NewsComment\Domain\Repository\CommentRepository
* @inject
protected $commentRepository = null;
* @param int $news
* @return string
public function render($news) {
return count($this->commentRepository->getCommentsByNews($news));
Please change 'namespace' for your Vendor name and ViewHelper location.
Then in copy tx_news fluid Templates somewhere and add them by TS. In Templates->Partitials->List->Item.html (or you path) you can call ViewHelper and use like that:
{namespace s=HIT\huskytheme\ViewHelpers}
Comments: ({s:news.countCommnets(news: newsItem.uid)})
Or other template - just add corect newsItem.uid inside and againe you own namesapce mast be called.