Since upgrading to Xcode 8, when I do a build with fastlane, I get the following error message:
There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project
If I go to Xcode > Build Settings
and go down to Versioning, there is a Current Project Version key, as shown below:
The help text says to enter an integer or floating point number, but when I click on the field, there is no opportunity to enter a number in either the Debug or Release field. This is different from the screen shot shown in this apple tech Q&A so there appears to have been a change in Xcode since the Q&A was released.
Currently when you get that fastlane error, terminal logs redirects you to
to understand what you need to do.
Enable agvtool.
Build Settings > Current Project Version > $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION)
Set up your version and build numbers.
Target > Info > Bundle versions string, short (CFBundleShortVersionString) > "your init version"
Target > Info > Bundle version (CFBundleVersion) > "your
init value"
That helps me a lot.