I am trying to updata a database table using pq_query in PHP. I have the following code:
$q = "UPDATE tableName SET ('data1 = " . $data1 . "', data2='" . $data2 . "') WHERE user=".$user;
$success = pg_query($q);
if (!$success) {
$errormessage = pg_last_error();
echo "Error " . $errormessage;
I am getting the following error message:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'data1 = '"
LINE 1: UPDATE tableName SET ('data1 = 10', data2= 20'') WHERE user=
Replace your query with this query
$q = "UPDATE tableName SET data1 = '$data1', data2='$data2' WHERE user='$user'";
Explaination: You should pass variable in single quotes('') if your query in double quotes.