Hello i am new to teradata. I am loading flat file into my TD DB using fast load. My data set(CSV FILE) contains some issues like some of the rows in city column contains proper data but some of the rows contains NULL. The values of the city columns which contains NULL are stored into the next column which is zip code and so on. At the end some of the rows contains extra columns due to the extra NULL in rows. Examples is given below. How to resolve these kind of issues in fastload? Can someone answer this with SQL example?
City Zipcode country
xyz 12 Esp
abc 11 Ger
Null def(city's data) 12(zipcode's data) Por(country's data)
What about different approach. Instead of solving this in fast load, load your data to temporary table like DATABASENAME.CITIES_TMP with structure like below
City | zip_code | country | column4
xyz | 12 | Esp |
NULL | abc | 12 | Por
In next step create target table DATABASENAME.CITY with the structure
City | zip_code | country |
As a final step you need to run 2 INSERT queries:
INSERT INTO DATABASENAME.CITY (City, zip_code, country)
WHERE CITY not like 'NULL'/* WHERE CITY is not null - depends if null is a text value or just empty cell*/;
INSERT INTO DATABASENAME.CITY (City, zip_code, country)
WHERE CITY like 'NULL' /* WHERE CITY is null - depends if null is a text value or just empty cell*/
Of course this will work if all your data looks exacly like in sample you provide. This also will work only when you need to do this once in a while. If you need to load data few times a day it will be a litte cumbersome (not sure if I used proper word in this context) and then you should build some kind of ETL process with for example Talend tool.