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android color between two colors, based on percentage?

I would like to calculate the color depending on a percentage value:

float percentage = x/total;
int color;
if (percentage >= 0.95) {
  color = Color.GREEN;
} else if (percentage <= 0.5) {
  color = Color.RED;
} else {
  // color = getColor(Color.Green, Color.RED, percentage);

How can I calculate that last thing? It would be OK if yellow appears at 50%.

I tried this:

private int getColor(int c0, int c1, float p) {
    int a = ave(Color.alpha(c0), Color.alpha(c1), p);
    int r = ave(,, p);
    int g = ave(,, p);
    int b = ave(,, p);
    return Color.argb(a, r, g, b);
private int ave(int src, int dst, float p) {
    return src + java.lang.Math.round(p * (dst - src));

Well this works, but I would like the colors at around 50% being more lightend as I use them on a grey background.. how can I accomplish that?


UPDATE I tried to convert to YUV like it was suggested in the comments. But I still have the same problem that at 50% it's to dark. Additional in this solution I have at <5% now white as color. If I do not calculate float y = ave(...);, but just take float y = c0.y it's a little better, but at <20% I have then cyan color ... I'm not so much into color-formats :-/ Maybe I'm doing something wrong in the calculation? The constants are taken from Wikipedia

public class ColorUtils {

    private static class Yuv {
        public float y;
        public float u;
        public float v;

        public Yuv(int c) {
            int r =;
            int g =;
            int b =;
            this.y = 0.299f * r + 0.587f * g + 0.114f * b;
            this.u = (b - y) * 0.493f;
            this.v = (r - y) * 0.877f;

    public static int getColor(int color0, int color1, float p) {
        Yuv c0 = new Yuv(color0);
        Yuv c1 = new Yuv(color1);
        float y = ave(c0.y, c1.y, p);
        float u = ave(c0.u, c1.u, p);
        float v = ave(c0.v, c1.v, p);

        int b = (int) (y + u / 0.493f);
        int r = (int) (y + v / 0.877f);
        int g = (int) (1.7f * y - 0.509f * r - 0.194f * b);

        return Color.rgb(r, g, b);

    private static float ave(float src, float dst, float p) {
        return src + Math.round(p * (dst - src));


  • Ok, after 2 hours of converting to yuv, hsv, etc pp... I give up. I now do it just like this:

    public class ColorUtils {
        private static int FIRST_COLOR = Color.GREEN;
        private static int SECOND_COLOR = Color.YELLOW;
        private static int THIRD_COLOR = Color.RED;
        public static int getColor(float p) {
            int c0;
            int c1;
            if (p <= 0.5f) {
                p *= 2;
                c0 = FIRST_COLOR;
                c1 = SECOND_COLOR;
            } else {
                p = (p - 0.5f) * 2;
                c0 = SECOND_COLOR;
                c1 = THIRD_COLOR;
            int a = ave(Color.alpha(c0), Color.alpha(c1), p);
            int r = ave(,, p);
            int g = ave(,, p);
            int b = ave(,, p);
            return Color.argb(a, r, g, b);
        private static int ave(int src, int dst, float p) {
            return src + java.lang.Math.round(p * (dst - src));

    By explicity using yellow as the middle color, the generated colors are brighter :-)

    Anyway.. if someone has a good other solution, I would appreciate it.