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Json array size stuck to 10

I'm trying to parse the items (the books) of the Google Books API using Gson, but for some reason, the JsonArray size is stuck to 10 if I try to access an index greater than that it will crash, but there should be 10000+ objects in the array. I tried to parse it with the JSON library from the android studio but I had the exact same error.

public String parse(String jsonLine) {
    JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(jsonLine);

    System.out.println("jelement " + jelement.toString());
    System.out.println("Number of objects " + jelement.getAsJsonObject().get("totalItems"));
    JsonObject jobject = jelement.getAsJsonObject();
    System.out.println("jobject " + jobject.toString());
    JsonArray jarray = jobject.getAsJsonArray("items");
    jobject = jarray.get(500).getAsJsonObject();

And the error:

Number of objects 10275

FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 500, size is 10


  • I think this API is paginated API which means, for example, let's say you are making a call for Google Books API.

    Now there may be thousands/millions of books. But for the efficient implementation of the API, they might send only first 10 books,

    Example: API call: The result will be a result of 10 books. But the JSON has total Books count. So using this you can access the paginated API

      totalBooks: 100,
      books: [

    So now there are 100 books but still, you receive only 10 books. So to access 55th book, you might have to make a request like API:

    Response to this API call will have books from 51 to 60.

      totalBooks: 100,
      books: [