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Fast String Searching Algorithm for large strings

I'm trying to implement a plagiarism detection software using pattern matching algorithms. I came across the KMP Algorithm Here and tried out the c# implementation. I can see that it's not as fast for actual documents (not strings, I uploaded two pdf documents using iText and got the implementation to check for plagiarism in these two papers. About 50 pages).

It's really slow and I have no idea how to go about this. I've looked at Boyer Moore and Rabin Karp as well.

What I am currently doing is taking each sentence in the document (split on '.') and scanning through the whole reference document (2nd document) for a match. Then taking the next sentence and so on... I am fully aware that this could be very expensive. But I have no idea how else to implement string (pattern) matching without using this approach. It's for my final year project and I was given a topic so I HAVE to use string matching. (Not allowed to do Citation based plagiarism, Semantics or Vector Space.)

The larger the text and pattern gets, the slower the algorithm gets (extremely slow, not even reasonably slow). Is there another way to go about this that I don't know? Or are there faster algorithms for me to use with this my approach?


My code below:`

public class MatchChecker
    public void KMPSearch(string pattern, string text, int page)
        if (pattern.Trim() != "")
            int M = pattern.Length;
            int N = text.Length;

            // create lps[] that will hold the longest
            // prefix suffix values for pattern
            int[] lps = new int[M];
            int j = 0;  // index for pat[]

            // Preprocess the pattern (calculate lps[]
            // array)
            computeLPSArray(pattern, M, lps);

            int i = 0;  //index for text[]
            while (i < N)
                if (pattern[j] == text[i])
                if (j == M)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found pattern " + pattern + " at page " + page);
                    j = lps[j - 1];
                //mismatch after j matches 
                else if (i < N && pattern[j] != text[i])
                    //Do not match lps[0..lps[j-1]] characters,
                    //they will match anyway
                    if (j != 0)
                        j = lps[j - 1];
                        i = i + 1;

    private void computeLPSArray(string pattern, int M, int[] lps)

        //length of the previous longest prefix suffix
        int length = 0;
        int i = 1;
        lps[0] = 0;     //lps[0]is always 0

        //the loop calculates lps[i] for i = 1 to M - 1
        while (i < M)
            if (pattern[i] == pattern[length])
                lps[i] = length;
            else  // (pat[i] != pat[len])
                // This is tricky. Consider the example.
                // AAACAAAA and i = 7. The idea is similar 
                // to search step.
                if (length != 0)
                    length = lps[length - 1];

                    // Also, note that we do not increment
                    // i here
                else  // if (len == 0)
                    lps[i] = length;

    public string ReadDocPDF()
        List<string> pages = new List<string>();
        PdfReader reader2 = new PdfReader(@"C:\Users\obn\Desktop\project\chapter1.pdf");
        string strText = string.Empty;

        for (int page = 1; page <= reader2.NumberOfPages; page++)
            ITextExtractionStrategy its = new SimpleTextExtractionStrategy();
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(@"C:\Users\obn\Desktop\project\chapter1.pdf");
            String s = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, page, its);

            s = Regex.Replace(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ASCIIEncoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s))).Replace(",", ""), "[0-9]", "").ToLower();
            strText = strText + s;
        return strText;

    public void CheckForPlag()
        string document = ReadDocPDF().Trim();
        string[] sentences = document.Split(new string[] { "\n", "\t\n\r", ". ", "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        foreach(string sentence in sentences) {
            PdfReader reader2 = new PdfReader(@"C:\Users\obn\Documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\PlagDetector\PlagDetector\bin\Debug\test3.pdf");
            for (int page = 1; page <= reader2.NumberOfPages; page++)
                ITextExtractionStrategy its = new SimpleTextExtractionStrategy();
                PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(@"C:\Users\obn\Documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\PlagDetector\PlagDetector\bin\Debug\test3.pdf");
                String s = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, page, its);

                s = Regex.Replace(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ASCIIEncoding.Convert(Encoding.Default, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(s))).Trim().Replace(".","").Replace(",","").Replace("\n", ""), "[0-9]", "").ToLower();
                KMPSearch(sentence, s, page);



  • Your algorithm is doing lot of repeated searches purely a brute force. Some of the problems features can be considered to optimize it. How do you define 'plagiarism'? content-1 and content-2 are nearly similar. Let us say >80% are same. i.e content-1 is taken 20% is changed to produce content-2.

    Now, Let us try to solve: what will be cost (no.of changes) to convert content-1 to content-2? This is a well know problem in DP(dynamic programming world) as EDIT Distance problem. The standard problem talks about strings distance, but you can easily modify it for words instead of chars.

    Now, the above problem will give you least no.of changes for conversion of content-1 to content-2. With the total length of content-1, we can easily calculate the % of changes to go to content-2 from content-1. If it below a fixed threshold (say 20%) then declare the plagiarism.