I think something bad might have happened to my changesets.
For the record, I have used git, hg and svn with general success before. My understanding of bzr is less complete.
Here's what I had (Windows XP):
1) A folder created using bzr's svn checkout. Call it stable
2) A folder branched from that which I was using for development. Call it development
My plan was to use commit --local on the development branch to keep track of changes, and it was working swell.
Then, I did a 'bzr update' on (because it complained when I tried to push). At the time, stable had a much older copy of the code. Well, now development has that same old copy. 'bzr log' shows no evidence whatsoever of my local commits!
Can someone explain to me what happened, and what I can do to recover my old code?
Ok, I found it. After some frantic searching, I uncovered the secret code word, "dead head," after viewing this other stackoverflow question: Some code was lost after doing bzr commit --local, bzr pull, bzr commit
However, the solution they proposed didn't work for me. What did work, was found at http://chrismarinos.com/don-t-loose-your-head-with-bazaar/
The final answer was to find the revision id using heads --all, and then use pull get get all the revisions:
bzr heads --all
bzr pull --overwrite -r revid:<revision-id>
All my code is back, and now backed up 3 or 4 times.