I'm having trouble finding things in the database of Dynamics 365 with Power BI, when you connect to the OrganizationData.svc, there is a LOT of table, and sub table.
For exemple, I'm working with the table "OpportunitySet", someone add a custom combobox, I'm able to get the value "176000004", but I can't find a way to get the text value from this.
I search in the "PickListMappingSet", but there is too much stuff.
Also, all my Opportunities have a Team and people in those teams, I think they are link with "Connections", but I have no idea how to obtain them in Power BI, I need they find some opportunities who have missing people in their team.
Is there any way to search everywhere in the DataBase, or to find where each value is store in it.
Basically for onpremise, you can pull from StringMap entity & see all the optionset (=picklist=combobox) values in Database. For online it's a problem.
This is a known issue with PowerBI query as well as oData endpoint, you cannot get the custom or user created picklist values.
You can ask some CRM developers to get all the picklist values/text from CRM customizations & store as a Source in PowerBI datasets to get the desired results after merge with main dataset.
Edit: Xrmtoolbox PowerBI optionset assistant will be helpful.