I am creating the login part of a Xamarin.iOS application. When logging in I want to pass an User Object to the ProjectsViewController. First a user enters the username and password, then it is validated and lastly, once it is validated I want to go to the main screen which is called ProjectsViewController.
//first get user from Restful service
var response = await apiService.GetUserByToken("",
//get User object
var user = (User)response.Result;
user.Password = password;
if (response.IsSuccess)
//loguser is the User object that will be passed to the root
logUser = user;
//get storyboard
UIStoryboard board = UIStoryboard.FromName("Main", null);
ProjectsViewController ctrl = (ProjectsViewController)board.InstantiateViewController("projectsViewController");
//current user is the propery that I want to access in the next screen
ctrl.CurrentUser = logUser;
ctrl.ModalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyle.CoverVertical;
UINavigationController nav = (UINavigationController)board.InstantiateViewController("navController");
nav.ModalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyle.CrossDissolve;
//this sends me to the root but the object is not passed
PresentViewController(nav, true, null);
The code so far validates the user and sends me to the root screen, but the object is not passed. Please help! thanks in advance!
The thing is that you are creating a new instance of the: ProjectsViewController
and setting its CurrentUser
, but you are not showing that controller at all.
What you should do is:
UINavigationController nav = (UINavigationController)board.InstantiateViewController("navController");
nav.ModalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyle.CrossDissolve;
//New code
var projectVC = (ProjectsViewController)nav.ViewControllers.FirstOrDefault();
projectVC.CurrentUser = logUser;
PresentViewController(nav, true, null);
Since when you instantiate the: "navController" from storyboard it will also instantiate its ProjectsViewController
, which is in its ViewControllers