I can't seem to get debugging working on bochs. I installed it using macports. Specifically, when I launch bochs, the command line never appears.
I'm pretty sure I included the debugging variant when I installed it; but, I suppose I could have mis-typed it.
When I run port installed bochs
, I get this
$ port installed bochs
The following ports are currently installed:
bochs @2.6.8_1+avx+sdl2+smp+term (active)
Which seems to suggest the debugging variant isn't installed; but, when I try to add the debugging variant, the response suggests that nothing need be done:
$ sudo port upgrade --enforce-variants bochs +debugging
---> Scanning binaries for linking errors
---> No broken files found.
Is there another way to verify the presence or absence of debugging, and add it, if necessary?
I believe the variant for bochs debugging
In a standard bochs ./configure the option would be:
↳ https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/blob/master/emulators/bochs/Portfile#L51