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Finding length of JSON array in PL/SQL Trigger

I am trying to find the length of a JSON array in a PL/SQL trigger programmatically in Oracle 12c using Application Express. This will allow me to loop through each element and insert the data into another table. Right now the JSON is stored in a column as a CLOB and I am converting it to VarCHAR2. Code Below:

    json CLOB;
    json_varchar VARCHAR2(32767);
    json_member WWV_FLOW_T_VARCHAR2;
    json := :new.ORDER_SKU;
    json_varchar := CAST(json AS VARCHAR2);
    apex_json.parse (json);
    json_member := APEX_JSON.get_members(p_path=>'order_sku');
    FOR i IN 1..json_member.count

I am getting the following error when running this trigger:

SQL Error Message: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at "APEX_050100.WWV_FLOW_JSON", line 1597
ORA-06512: at "TriggerName", line 9
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'TriggerName'
ORA-06512: at line 6`

I am thinking I should just be using a different method to find the length of the JSON array, but I haven't been able to find any through the documentation or stack overflow.

Also if it is of help the JSON is stored in the following form:



  • Since you are in 12c version I agree with @alexgibbs as you should take a look at json_table if you really want to use apex_json you don't need to convert your clob to varchar and you could do something like

     l_json CLOB := '{"order_sku":[{"sku1":"details"},{"sku2":"details"}] }';
     j apex_json.t_values;
     l_path  VARCHAR2(100);
     apex_json.parse(j, l_json);
     FOR i IN 1..apex_json.get_count(p_values => j, p_path   => 'order_sku')
       -- if your sku tag could be always the same "sku" you would not need the following line
       l_path := 'order_sku[%d].' || apex_json.get_members(p_values => j, p_path => 'order_sku[%d]', p0 => i)(1);
       -- replace with the insert you want to do
       dbms_output.put_line(apex_json.get_varchar2(p_values => j, p_path => l_path, p0 => i));
     END LOOP;