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How to format form fields for django comments?

I am using a form which is generated for me by django. I'm using this as a comment form after a post in my blog.

Currently it renders fine but it's not nicely aligned. This is what I have. alt text This is what I'd like. alt text


edit: This is the result when I user {{ form.as_table }}

alt text


  • Posting my solution hoping it'll help someone else oneday. I knew that you'd style the fields with css but wasn't sure how to assign the classes to each item. But if you take a look at the default template provided you'll notice that the error class is assigned to a field using an if statement within a foreach loop that automatically generates each field within your form. i.e.

    {% for field in form %}    
    < p{% if field.errors %} 
    {% endif %}
        {{ field.label_tag }}<'/' p> 
    {% endfor %}

    So I added onto this functionality.

    < p{% if field.errors %} 
    {% endif %}
    {% ifequal "honeypot" %} 
    {% else %}
    {% endifequal %}>
        {{ field.label_tag }}<'/' p> 

    my css being

        width: 200px;
        text-align: left;
        width: 300px;
        text-align: left;

    Now that you can set your classes you can easily setup your classes or id within your css file. This is for the comments. If you're using a {{ form.as_p }} or {{ form.as_table }} to generate your form then you just set a general form class within your css to style it. i.e.

    form {
    width: 350px;
    padding: 20px;
    border: 1px solid #270644;