There is such Maxima code
q1:[[0,0.1], [0.25,0.2], [0.5,0.3], [0.75,0.4]];
I want to find the value of the obtained function qt1(x)
for x=1
. Then I write qt1(0.3);
and I get massage
diff: variable must not be a number; found: 0.3
#0: qt1(x=0.3) (interpol.mac line 106)
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
What should be done?
Maxima does not know how to differentate charfun2
. You can teach it.
load("interpol") $
q: [[0,0.1], [0.25,0.2], [0.5,-0.3], [0.75,1.4]] $
gradef(charfun2(x, A, B), 0) $
e: cspline(q) $
de: diff(e, 'x) $
define( f('x), e) $
define(df('x), de) $
draw2d(explicit(f('x), 'x, 0, 1), 'color='red, explicit(df('x), 'x, 0, 1)) $
I changed points in `q'.