I'm trying to build a news feed system using Cassandra, I was thinking of using a fan out approach wherein if a user posts a new post, I'll write a new record in all of his friends' feed table. The table structure looks like:
user_name TEXT,
first_name TEXT,
last_name TEXT,
profile_pic TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
CREATE TABLE user_feed (
user_name TEXT,
posted_time TIMESTAMP,
post_id UUID,
posted_by TEXT, //posted by username
posted_by_profile_pic TEXT,
post_content TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_name), posted_time)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY(posted_time desc);
Now, I can get a feed for a particular user in a single query all fine. What if the user who has posted a feed updates his profile pic. How do I go about updating the data in user_feed table?
You can use batch statements to achieve atomicity at your updates. So in this case you can create a batch with the update on tables users
and user_feed
using the same user_name
partition key:
UPDATE users SET profile_pic = ? WHERE user_name = ?;
UPDATE user_feed SET posted_by_profile_pic = ? WHERE user_name = ?;
Take a look at CQL Batch documentation