I found a method for android called setLatLngBoundsForCameraTarget. But could not find for ios. Has any one idea about it? I want to scroll into particular bound. User can't scroll out of the bound which is already defined
I used cameraTargetBounds but not useful for me. Then I used
func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView, didChangeCameraPosition position: GMSCameraPosition) {
var latitude = position.target.latitude;
var longitude = position.target.longitude;
if (position.target.latitude > bounds.northEast.latitude) {
latitude = bounds.northEast.latitude;
if (position.target.latitude < bounds.southWest.latitude) {
latitude = bounds.southWest.latitude;
if (position.target.longitude > bounds.northEast.longitude) {
longitude = bounds.northEast.longitude;
if (position.target.longitude < bounds.southWest.longitude) {
longitude = bounds.southWest.longitude;
if (latitude != position.target.latitude || longitude != position.target.longitude) {
var l = CLLocationCoordinate2D();
l.latitude = latitude;
l.longitude = longitude;
And it works.