What should be the result of a delete mutation in Graphql? I'm using the graphql-ruby gem. Here's an example of my mutation, but I'm just not sure what I should be returning as the response.
Mutations::Brands::Delete = GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do
name "DeleteBrand"
description "Delete a brand"
input_field :id, types.ID
# return_field ??
resolve ->(object, inputs, ctx) {
brand = Brand.find(inputs[:id])
You can return deleted_id or message. If it is an associated object you can return updated object like below example.
Destroy = GraphQL::Relay::Mutation.define do
name 'DestroyComment'
description 'Delete a comment and return post and deleted comment ID'
# Define input parameters
input_field :id, !types.ID
# Define return parameters
return_field :deletedId, !types.ID
return_field :article, ArticleType
return_field :errors, types.String
resolve ->(_obj, inputs, ctx) {
comment = Comment.find_by_id(inputs[:id])
return { errors: 'Comment not found' } if comment.nil?
article = comment.article
{ article: article.reload, deletedId: inputs[:id] }