I have a QPixmap that has some transparent area. What can I do to apply a highlight/tint to only area that has non-zero alpha?
This is what I have right now, which tints the whole image.
QPixmap highlighedPixmap = myPixmap;
QPainter pixmapPainter;
pixmapPainter.fillRect(highlighedPixmap.rect(), QColor(180, 180, 180, 100));
input image:
expected result image:
The right option is CompositionMode_SourceAtop
QPixmap highlighedPixmap = myPixmap;
QPainter pixmapPainter(&highlighedPixmap);
pixmapPainter.fillRect(highlighedPixmap.rect(), foregroundColor);
Within Qt directory in ...\examples\widgets\painting\composition, there is a "Composition Modes" tool, which lets you experiment with all composition modes. I found it in Qt 5.2.1 but it should be there at least since Qt 4.8.