In original one there's functionality
But I am using that one created for Laravel (
And there is nearly no docs so I have no way of doing it. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve it?
How can i set default pdf charset to pdf?
You should have a tcpdf.php file on your /config/
folder in your app, there you can set some configuration details like this:
return [
'page_format' => 'A4',
'page_orientation' => 'P',
'page_units' => 'mm',
'unicode' => true,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8', // <- Your desired encoding <-
'font_directory' => '',
'image_directory' => '',
'tcpdf_throw_exception' => false,
In case your configuration file don't exists, as the docs says you can create it doing:
Laravel-TCPDF comes with some basic configuration. If you want to override the defaults, you can publish the config, like so:
php artisan vendor:publish
Now access config/tcpdf.php to customize.