I am having a hard time understanding what is going on with my sql to pandas data frame datatypes:
I don't understand why my dataset is coming back with these count and sum fields as object as I cannot use operations such as df.total_deductions.max(). I am failing to understand what could be causing this or how to fix it.
query = """ SELECT
sum(income) total_spend,
sum(deductions) total_deductions ,
count(distinct stores) number_stores
FROM db_table GROUP BY user_id """
df = pd.read_sql(query, jdbc_connection)
date: object
user_id: object
total_spend: float
total_deductions: object
number_stores: object
I looked at the data. I can't seem anything to indicate that would cause these counts or sums to be an object rather than a numeric value.
I tried using pd.to_numeric( each_of_my_columns, error ='coerce') but this coerce options forces them to be "NaN".
Can someone hypothesize what could be going on here or how to solve this, since I assume I am doing something that should be obvious incorrectly?
There can be problem values have start or end whitespaces, which can be removed by strip
You can check it by convert to list
print (df['number_stores'].tolist()[:20])