I'm trying to get the pages from my onenote notebook in onedrive. the URL is ...
Here is my code:
import requests
id ='ab87696357344a7e'
url=root + id +'/sections'
headers={"Authorization" : "Bearer " + access_token, 'Accept': 'application/json'}
request=requests.Request(method="GET",headers = headers, url=url)
print request.data
print request.url
print request.json
print request.files
I'm getting nothing, here is the output:
What am I doing wrong here? is the ID wrong? I didn't know what ID they were talking about.
I've also tried my app ID and it also gets me nothing.
Are you getting a 200 OK from the service?
Most likely, you're getting a 404 since the ID you're using for the notebook doesn't exist. The id's for OneDrive and OneNote aren't the same - you should first do a call like
GET https://www.onenote.com/api/v1.0/notebooks
Then given a notebook id from that call's result, to a