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How to make a dynamic framework(Swift) based on two static libraries using Cocoapods

I want to make a dynamic framework that incorporates two 3-rd party frameworks with static libraries and later add it as a pod to my project. Here are their podspec files

I tried to add them as s.dependency in my podspec file but got following error Pods error - target has transitive dependencies that include static binaries

Tried to include them as s.vendored_frameworks but got following and can't make workaround with the given solution.

Could you help with the direction how I can deal with it and later I'll post some test project to look at the issue closer. Now I simply have so many different test projects that don't work that I don't even know what to post to Github to show.

In most of my attempts I ended up not being able to use Import IndoorsSDK/IndoorAtlas in my framework swift files because "No such module" error.

Appreciate any help.


  • Finally, I've found the solution. So, in case someone run into similar issue, I post it here.

    My podspec file except other lines contains following

    #// one library added as dependency, another as vendored_frameworks
    #// because it lacks modulemap, so it was added manually to IndooRS framework
    spec.dependency 'IndoorAtlas'
    spec.vendored_frameworks = 'SKNavigation/Frameworks/IndoorsSDK.framework'
    #// following lines fix linking issues so our pod would see dependency modules
    spec.pod_target_xcconfig = {
        'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(inherited) $(SRCROOT)/**',
        'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '$(inherited) -undefined dynamic_lookup'

    And modulemap, that was added to the Framework that lacked it

    module IndoorsSDK [system] {
        header "Headers/IndoorsSDK.h"
        header "Headers/Indoors.h"
        export *
        link framework "CoreMotion"
        link framework "CoreBluetooth"
        link "c++"

    The latest point, podfile should contain following to hide transitive dependencies error.

    pre_install do |installer|
        def installer.verify_no_static_framework_transitive_dependencies; end

    And that's probably all.