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mysql Procedure not returning any row

Why mysql query executes successfully after I create and execute the procedure and fill the returns 0 row affected can it be because of group that is a pre reserved word ?

PROCEDURE getNamesFrmAllSchedCol(IN p_schedule_id INT(11))
SELECT, h.hall, l.lush, u.user, s.subject
  scheduler sch
INNER JOIN groups g ON g.group_id=sch.group_id
INNER JOIN halls h ON h.hall_id=sch.hall_id
INNER JOIN lush l ON l.lush_id=sch.lush_id
INNER JOIN users u ON u.user_id=sch.user_id
INNER JOIN subjects s ON s.subject_id=sch.subject_id
  sch.schedule_id = p_schedule_id

When executing created procedure

After executing returns 0 rows while it should return 1


  • It was because u.user did not exist the column in users was named username. Sorry for the lack of information.