I am having some trouble getting a test to run that uses TestNg's @DataProvider to supply data to a test written in scala. Here is what i've got so far.
import org.testng.annotations._
import org.testng.Assert
import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
import java.lang.Boolean
class PieceTest extends TestNGSuite {
@DataProvider(name= "pieceMovesProvider")
def pieceMovesProvider() = {
Array[Object]( Array[Object](BISHOP, Position(0,0), Position(1,1), Boolean.TRUE))
@Test(dataProvider = "pieceMovesProvider")
def testCanTake(piece: Piece, from: Position, to: Position, result: Boolean) = {
Assert.assertEquals(result, piece.canTake(from, to))
//Moves should be commutative
Assert.assertEquals(result, piece.canTake(to, from))
@Test def hello() = {
When i run the test the hello test passes but the other test is skipped with no error or explaination. Any idea what is going on here?
The return type of the data provider was wrong. It should have been
@DataProvider(name= "pieceMovesProvider")
def pieceMovesProvider() = {
Array( Array[Object](BISHOP, Position(0,0), Position(1,1), Boolean.TRUE))