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Lucene/Solr Test inconsistent endOffset

I'm using BaseTokenStreamTestCase to perform some tests... against a custom TokenFilter.

The test is failing in an inexplicable way. You can see from my debug output, that the token it's complaining about, has an endOffset of 17...

inconsistent endOffset 1 pos=1 posLen=1 token=hello expected:<11> but was:<17>

   original: wheel chair hello there foo bar
  increment:      1        1     1      1   
     tokens: wheel chair hello there foo bar
  positions: ----------- ----- ----- -------
    lengths:      2        1     1      2   
   sequence:      1        2     3      4   
                      10        20        30
  start-end: 1:[0-11], 2:[12-17], 3:[18-23], 4:[24-31]

Heres the test code:

assertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, input,
        new String[] {"wheel chair", "hello", "there", "foo bar"},
        new int[] {0, 12, 18, 24},  // start offsets
        new int[] {11, 17, 23, 31}, // end offsets
        null,                       // types
        new int[] {1, 1, 1, 1},     // positionIncrement
        new int[] {2, 1, 1, 2});    // positionLength

Why does it think the 2nd token should end at 11 ?


  • BaseTokenStreamTestCase is generating the error from this source: ... near line 248

      final int endPos = pos + posLength;
      if (!posToEndOffset.containsKey(endPos)) {
        // First time we've seen a token arriving to this position:
        posToEndOffset.put(endPos, endOffset);
        //System.out.println("  + e " + endPos + " -> " + endOffset);
      } else {
        // We've seen a token arriving to this position
        // before; verify the endOffset is the same:
        //System.out.println("  + ve " + endPos + " -> " + endOffset);
        assertEquals("inconsistent endOffset " + i + " pos=" + pos + " posLen=" + posLength + " token=" + termAtt, posToEndOffset.get(endPos).intValue(), endOffset);

    Because endPos is calculated to be pos + posLength the test assumes that posToEndOffset.get(endPos) will return the end position offset of the current token position + length.

    This means that its reading-ahead 1 token, because the first token has a length = 2.
    This is why the test is failing. Length is being used improperly.

    Leaving the length attribute set to its default of 1 corrected the test errors.