I have a weird situation at hand while trying to make a demo appointment system. I want to fetch events through Django backend rest api, which works totally fine and I could see the data coming in console as well.
Here is my index file (where provider is): https://hastebin.com/ubefumofor.js
My calendar rendering component: https://hastebin.com/oronefibap.scala
My Redux, its reduxsauce library I am using: https://hastebin.com/usetavasub.js
My ReduxSaga file: https://hastebin.com/wutuvelefi.js
Now, the thing is, I am struggling to do a few things after I fetch the events:
Where to setState, as it goes in infinite look if I call it in componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate?
if I use this.props.events I get the following error which I have attached as a picture. It says uncaught at fetchEventsByDoctor The sort method cannot be invoked on an Immutable data structure.
Now I know that props cant be modified and state could be.
Any suggestions what could be wrong? Thanks
Note: I am new to react and redux related technologies.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
if(prevProps.events !== this.props.events) {
let a = this.state.events.slice();
let p = this.props.events
for(var i = 0; i < p.length; i++ ){
a[a.length] = p[i]
this.setState({events: a})
And that should do the trick, but Nagaraj's answer below is very much a good working solution too.
I have changed some things in your js file:
is directly updating the state, which is wrong.componentWillReceiveProps
to check, if the new props (nextProps
) received is different than the old props (this.props
), only then setState
. Usually, when fetchEvent
action is fired, set events to undefined and when you get the response, set it back to the api response in such case you can use:Like:
if (!this.props.events && nextProps.events) {
this.setState({ events: nextProps.events });
The Calender file:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import BigCalendar from 'react-big-calendar';
import events from './events';
import moment from 'moment';
import {
} from 'react-bootstrap';
import DateTime from 'react-datetime';
import {
} from 'react-redux';
import AppointmentActions from './Redux/AppointmentRedux';
import EventComponent from './Components/EventComponent';
import Halogen = require('halogen');
BigCalendar.setLocalizer( BigCalendar.momentLocalizer(moment) );
class Calendar extends React.Component {
props: {
handleAddCity: () => void,
bookAppointmentForDoctor: () => void,
fetchEvents: () => void,
events: null
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
date: new Date(),
events: props.events,
fromDate: null,
toDate: new Date(),
forValue: 15,
showAddFormModal: false,
hours: 12,
minutes: 20,
enabled: true,
showNameError: '',
showFromDateError: ''
handleSelect(info) {
onClick() {
// Create a copy of the object before you change the state
let events = this.state.events.slice();
'title': 'some Party',
'start': new Date(2017, 3, 15, 7, 0, 0).toLocaleString(),
'end': new Date(2017, 3, 16, 10, 30, 0).toLocaleString()
this.setState({ events });
open() {
this.setState({ showAddFormModal: true });
close() {
this.setState({ showAddFormModal: false });
handleFromDateTimeChange(newDate) {
return this.setState({ fromDate: newDate });
handleToDateTimeChange(newDate) {
return this.setState({ toDate: newDate });
handleEventSelect(event, _this) {
return (<Popover id="popover-positioned-right" title="Popover right">
<strong>Holy guacamole!</strong> Check this info.
handleMinutesSelect(_this) {
this.setState({ forValue: _this.target.value });
handleAddSubmitButton() {
var flag = true
const nameValue = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.name).value;
if (nameValue === '') {
this.setState({ showNameError: "Please input a name. " });
flag = false;
if (this.state.fromDate === null) {
this.setState({ showFromDateError: 'Please input right date and time' });
flag = false;
const fromDate = new Date(this.state.fromDate).toLocaleString();
const toDate = moment(fromDate).add(this.state.forValue, 'm');
const newToDate = new Date(toDate).toLocaleString();
console.log(nameValue, this.state.forValue, fromDate, newToDate);
// Create a copy of the object before you change the state
let events = this.state.events.slice();
'title': nameValue,
'start': new Date(fromDate),
'end': new Date(newToDate),
'hexColor': '#FF5722',
if (flag) {
this.props.bookAppointmentForDoctor(3, nameValue, new Date(fromDate), new Date(newToDate))
this.setState({ showAddFormModal: false });
eventStyleGetter(event, start, end, isSelected) {
var backgroundColor = event.hexColor;
var style = {
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
borderRadius: '0px',
opacity: 0.8,
color: 'black',
border: '0px',
display: 'block'
return { style: style };
componentDidMount() {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
let oldEvents = this.props.events;
let newEvents = nextProps.events;
// Check here if only newEvents is different than oldEvents and update state.
// Like always set events as undefined if ajax request starts and set it back
// Once you receive the data
// if (newEvents <---> oldEvents ??? ) {
this.setState({ events });
// }
render() {
let { hours, minutes, enabled } = this.state;
if (this.props.fetching) {
return (<h1>loading.....</h1>)
if (this.state.events !== null) {
return (
<div style={{height: 580}}>
<h3 className="callout">Book appointment and events here.</h3>
scrollToTime={new Date(1970, 1, 1, 6)}
defaultDate={new Date()}
onSelectEvent={(event, e) => this.handleEventSelect(event, e)}
onSelectSlot={(slotInfo) => this.handleSelect(slotInfo)}
eventPropGetter={(event) => this.eventStyleGetter(event)}
toolbar: this.CustomToolbar,
event: EventComponent,
Add appointment
<Modal show={this.state.showAddFormModal} onHide={this.close.bind(this)}>
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Modal.Title>Add Appointment</Modal.Title>
<FormGroup bsSize="large">
<FormControl type="text" placeholder="Enter Name" ref="name"/>{this.state.showNameError}
<ControlLabel>From (Date and Time)</ControlLabel>
<DateTime onChange={this.handleFromDateTimeChange.bind(this)}/>
{ this.state.showFromDateError }
<HelpBlock>Please choose Date and Time of from when you want the appointment from,
both could be done using the same widget.</HelpBlock>
<FormGroup controlId="formControlsSelect">
<ControlLabel>For a period of</ControlLabel>
<FormControl componentClass="select" onChange={this.handleMinutesSelect.bind(this)} value={this.state.forValue}>
<option value="15">15 minutes</option>
<option value="30">30 minutes</option>
<option value="45">45 minutes</option>
<option value="60">60 minutes</option>
<option value="90">90 minutes</option>
<option value="120">2 hours</option>
<Button type="button" onClick={this.handleAddSubmitButton.bind(this)}>
return (<h1>loading....</h1>);
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
city: state.appointment.city,
events: state.appointment.events,
fetching: state.appointment.fetching,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
handleAddCity: (city) => dispatch(AppointmentActions.setUserCity(city)),
bookAppointmentForDoctor: (doctor_id, customer_name, from_date, to_date) =>
dispatch(AppointmentActions.bookAppointmentForDoctor(doctor_id, customer_name, from_date, to_date)),
fetchEvents: (doctor_id) =>
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Calendar)