I have few satellite images each of them represents one channel of main satellite image, these are 11 images in total, each are labled with different channel, all images are in .tiff format with grayscale colorspace, now i simply want's to merge these images into one, to represent all channels into one image, so is this possible, remeber here, I don't want to concat images , which can be done using this:
vis = np.concatenate((img1, img2), axis=1)
I want to merge all of them into one single image , without distorting the data contained within, few channel images are attached below.
Any help is appreciated.
As OpenCV 3.x
stored image as numpy
array, we can simply average each image and add them together, provided that the height and width of the images are exactly the same.
img_1 = cv2.imread('./imagesStackoverflow/sat_1_331-442.png')
img_2 = cv2.imread('./imagesStackoverflow/sat_2_331-442.png')
img_3 = cv2.imread('./imagesStackoverflow/sat_3_331-442.png')
img_4 = cv2.imread('./imagesStackoverflow/sat_4_331-442.png')
no_img = 4
img = img_1/no_img + img_2/no_img + img_3/no_img + img_4/no_img
To get a quick result, I manually edited the size of the four images to 442(h) x 331(w)
Below is the merged image, with 3 channels.
To merge 11 images, you may just extend the code as:
img = img_1/no_img + img_2/no_img + img_3/no_img + ... + img_11/no_img