I have a web form in SPARK which allow the editing of a Facility class that contains Rooms. When editing the Facility all the Rooms are listed for editing too. The form works fine for editing, but I would like to include a button "Add Room" that adds a new blank room below the existing ones. Any idea how this is accomplished?
Currently I am doing this in my SPARK page:
[All the Facility editing stuff...]
<div class="small">Enter the rooms associated with this facility.</div>
<div class="add">
<div id="room">
<AddFacilityRoom each="var roomModel in Model.FacilityRooms" RoomModel="roomModel" Index="roomModelIndex" />
<a id="addRoom" class="add" href="events/room/add.mvc">Add a room</a>
AddFacilityRoom contains the html elements for editing a room.
I would like add.mvc to create a new empty Room class and inject a new identical (but empty) control below the existing ones. Currently, though it opens a new page when the "Add a Room" button is clicked.
Ok, I figured this out. I was missing the JQuery knowledge to understand this. The function below:
$('#addRoom').click(function () {
var a = $(this);
url: a.attr('href'),
cache: false,
success: function (html) {
return false;
Plus, the following HTML:
<div id="room">
<a id="addRoom" class="add" href="events/room/add.mvc">Add a room</a>
Does the trick.