I'm finding out information from other instances through linked servers using the SERVERPROPERTY
. Unfortunately the SERVERPROPERTY
relates to the server from which I am now running the query.
Can you help me?
declare @instance_name nvarchar(50)
declare @command nvarchar(max)
declare instance_name_cursor cursor for
select name
from msdb.sys.servers
where product = 'SQL Server'
open instance_name_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM instance_name_cursor INTO @instance_name
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
select @command = 'declare @osversion nvarchar(50)
set @osversion = (select
when windows_release = ''10.0'' then ''Windows Server 2016''
when windows_release = ''6.3'' then ''Windows Server 2012 R2''
when windows_release = ''6.2'' then ''Windows Server 2012''
when windows_release = ''6.1'' then ''Windows Server 2008 R2''
when windows_release = ''6.0'' then ''Windows Server 2008''
from sys.dm_os_windows_info )
insert into mydatabase.dbo.sql_server_info
select SERVERPROPERTY (''MachineName''),SERVERPROPERTY (''ProductVersion''),
SERVERPROPERTY (''Edition''),SERVERPROPERTY (''ProductLevel''),
cpu_count,(physical_memory_kb /1024),
(select maximum FROM ['+@instance_name+'].master.sys.configurations
where configuration_id=1544),@osversion
from ['+@instance_name+'].master.sys.dm_os_sys_info'
exec (@command)
FETCH NEXT FROM instance_name_cursor INTO @instance_name
CLOSE instance_name_cursor
DEALLOCATE instance_name_cursor
You need to run the SERVERPROPERTY()
function on the linked server, which you can do using OPENQUERY
, as a simple example:
SELECT MachineName
FROM OPENQUERY([LinkedServer], 'SELECT MachineName = SERVERPROPERTY (''MachineName'')') x;
Then it is just a case of adjusting your query slightly to deal with this, so removing the cursor for demonstration terms you might have something like:
DECLARE @instance_name nvarchar(50) = 'LinkedServer';
'SELECT MachineName = SERVERPROPERTY (''''MachineName''''),
ProductVersion = SERVERPROPERTY (''''ProductVersion''''),
Edition = SERVERPROPERTY (''''Edition''''),
ProductLevel = SERVERPROPERTY (''''ProductLevel''''),
Maximum = (SELECT Maximum FROM master.sys.configurations WHERE configuration_id = 1544),
OSVersion = CASE
WHEN wi.windows_release =''''10.0'''' THEN ''''Windows Server 2016''''
WHEN wi.windows_release = ''''6.3'''' THEN ''''Windows Server 2012 R2''''
WHEN wi.windows_release = ''''6.2'''' THEN ''''Windows Server 2012''''
WHEN wi.windows_release = ''''6.1'''' THEN ''''Windows Server 2008 R2''''
WHEN wi.windows_release = ''''6.0'''' THEN ''''Windows Server 2008''''
FROM master.sys.dm_os_sys_info AS si
CROSS JOIN master.sys.dm_os_windows_info AS wi;';
SET @Command = CONCAT('SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(', QUOTENAME(@instance_name), ', ''', @CommandBase, ''');');
INSERT mydatabase.dbo.sql_server_info (<Columns>)
EXECUTE sp_executesql @Command;
Then it is just a case of slotting this inside your cursor.