I tried installing the "R tools for Visual studio" in visual studio 2017, as explained in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/visualstudio/rtvs/installation#installation-in-visual-studio-2017 , but after installation nothing shows up in VS2017. The description on that web page doesn't properly describe the installation UI: step 3 mentions making sure that "R language support", "Runtime support for R development", and "Microsoft R client" are selected, but only the latter is available as an option - the first two are nowhere to be found. I am trying to get it installed on VS 2017 professional, on windows 7.
I also tried the installation for VS 2015, and that seems to work fine.
Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong, if the installer is bugged, or if something else is going on?
This has been logged as a bug on the RTVS Github repo.
Customers have reported that R in the VS 2017 Data Science Workload is blocked from installing on Windows 7. We have verified this issue and have a fix prepared for the next update of Visual Studio 2017.
We are currently working with the Visual Studio team to get this fix deployed as quickly as possible.