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Multiple primary_key for has_many relation

There is a model Company that has many Disclosure and Statement.

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :disclosures
  has_many :statements

Disclosure and Statement both have date column.

And the Statement have a method like this:

def disclosures
  Disclosure.where(date: date, company_id: company_id)

It work's fine. But I think this kind of relation should write by has_many notation. But I couldn't find way to use multiple primary_key with has_many.

Is there a way to use multiple primary key?


  • by default Activerecord does not support composite keys, but using the following repo you should be able to:

    after that you should be able to use multiple primary keys: a small example below

    require 'composite_primary_keys'
    class StringProperty < ActiveRecord::Base
        self.primary_keys = :entity_id, :property_id
        set_table_name "problem.string_property"
        attr_accessible :entity_id, :property_id, :value