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What does it mean that `attr_accessor` / `attr_reader` create an instance variable?

The documentation for attr_accessor explicitly says that it creates an instance variable:

[...] creating an instance variable (@name) and a corresponding access method [...]

As does the documentation for attr_reader:

Creates instance variables and corresponding methods [...]

I understand the second part, i.e. that attr_accessor and attr_reader create methods, but I don't get the first part.

What does it mean that they "create an instance variable"?


  • That's a bug/misleading wording in documentation. The attr_reader/attr_accessor themselves don't create any variables. How can they? They work outside of class instance lifecycle. And even read access don't make the instance variables come to life. Only write access creates them.

    class Foo
      attr_accessor :bar
    foo =
    foo.instance_variables # => [] # try read ivar
    foo.instance_variables # => [], nope, not yet = 2 # write ivar
    foo.instance_variables # => [:@bar], there it is