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TYPO3 RealUrl - shorten extbase detail path to second level

I have an own Plugin for Jobs with a list and a show View (on the same page). I entered my params in the "postVarSets" in the realurl_conf.php (grouped by "job-view") and so my Links look like following:

/jobs - List View

/jobs/job-view/show/Job/testjob - Detail View

Now i can shorten my path with the "encodeSpURL_postProc":

$params['URL'] = str_replace('job-view/show/Job', 'job-detail', $params['URL']);

and decode by

$params['URL'] = str_replace('job-detail', 'job-view/show/Job', $params['URL']);

/jobs - List View

/jobs/job-detail/testjob - Detail View

But i want my Detail View to look like:


But I can't use

$params['URL'] = str_replace('jobs/job-view/show/Job', 'jobs', $params['URL']);

because the decode

$params['URL'] = str_replace('jobs', 'jobs/job-view/show/Job', $params['URL']);

would also try to decode the List View back.

So, is it possible to shorten the URL path of the detail page to the second level?


  • This is very easy to achieve using a combination of fixedPostVars and TS conditions.

    Assuming that your extensions's parameters are something like tx_jobs_list, you will have the following in the realurl config:

    'fixedPostVars' => [
       $jobDetailPagePid => [
                'GETvar' => 'tx_jobs_list[uid]',
                'lookUpTable' => [
                'GETvar' => 'tx_jobs_list[controller]',
                'noMatch' => 'bypass'
                'GETvar' => 'tx_jobs_list[action]',
                'noMatch' => 'bypass'

    $jobDetailPagePid must be a page id. You cannot use _DEFAULT here.

    You also need TS conditions for the detail page:

    [globalString = GP:tx_jobs_list|uid = /\d+\]
    config.defaultGetVars {
        tx_jobs_list {
            controller = List
            action = single

    That's all.