I am obviously misunderstanding something about the format of the session.run method in the python Neo4j module.
This works:
"statement4", variable list)
But now I need to modify the strings externally to the method: eg I would like to do
s1 = "statement1"
s2 = "statement2"
"statement4", variable list)
So that I can modify the statement in ways that cannot be handled by the .run method - eg modifying labels on the fly.
But I get a syntax error
I don't understand why this does not work. What am I doing wrong? How can I introduce variables such as label names into a run command like that?
Actual code is this:
s1 = "MERGE (a:Animal:Female {tag: {tag}})"
" MERGE (d:Animal:Female {tag: {dam}})"
"MERGE (s:Animal:Male {tag: {sire}})"
"MERGE (d)-[:DamTo{dob:{dob}}]->(a)"
"MERGE (s)-[:SireTo{dob:{dob}}]->(a)" , tag = tag, dob = dob, dam = dam, sire = sire )
Error message:
" MERGE (d:Animal:Female {tag: {dam}})"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In Python, adjacent string literals are automatically concatenated. However, a string variable does not support automatic concatenation.
Try changing this:
" MERGE (d:Animal:Female {tag: {dam}})"
to this:
s1 +
" MERGE (d:Animal:Female {tag: {dam}})"
The other automatic concatenations should still work.