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Instruction for changing the ARM mode is not working "msr cpsr_c XX"

need a help.

Trying to run a test code for Raspberry Pi2 (Cortex-A7) Baremetal Led blinking example.

Below code works perfectly.

.extern __bss_start
.extern __bss_end

.extern FreeRTOS_IRQ_Handler
.extern FreeRTOS_SVC_Handler
.extern main

.section .init
.global _start

.equ CPSR_MODE_USER,       0x10
.equ CPSR_MODE_FIQ,        0x11
.equ CPSR_MODE_IRQ,        0x12
.equ CPSR_MODE_SVR,        0x13
.equ CPSR_MODE_ABORT,      0x17
.equ CPSR_MDOE_SYSTEM,     0x1F

.equ CPSR_IRQ_INHIBIT,     0x80
.equ CPSR_FIQ_INHIBIT,     0x40
.equ CPSR_THUMB,           0x20

  ldr pc, _reset_vector
  ldr pc, _undefined_instruction_vector
  ldr pc, _software_interrupt_vector
  ldr pc, _prefetch_abort_vector
  ldr pc, _data_abort_vector
  ldr pc, _unused_vector
  ldr pc, _interrupt_vector
  ldr pc, _fast_interrupt_vector

_reset_vector:                   .word _reset
_undefined_instruction_vector:   .word _undefined_instruction
_software_interrupt_vector:      .word _software_interrupt
_prefetch_abort_vector:          .word _prefetch_abort
_data_abort_vector:              .word _data_abort
_unused_vector:                  .word _unused
_interrupt_vector:               .word _interrupt
_fast_interrupt_vector:          .word _fast_interrupt

  mov    r0, #0x8000
  mov    r1, #0x0000
  ldmia  r0!,{r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9}
  stmia  r1!,{r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9}
  ldmia  r0!,{r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9}
  stmia  r1!,{r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9}

//      msr cpsr_c, r0
  mov sp, #(64 * 1024 * 1024)

  ldr r0, =__bss_start
  ldr r1, =__bss_end

  mov r2, #0

    cmp     r0,r1
    it      lt
    strlt   r2,[r0], #4
    blt     _bss_init

bl main

  b _loop

  b _undefined_instruction

  b _software_interrupt

  b _prefetch_abort

  b _data_abort

  b _unused

  b _interrupt

  b _fast_interrupt

However, when I remove the comment which is in the middle of the code.

  msr cpsr_c, r0

This no longer boots to the main function.

Need to change the mode so that I can setup the stack pointer for each mode. but the instructions for doing it seems not working.

Do you have idea? Any help to understand what is happening is welcome.


  • First of all, thanks, "old_timer" for giving me a comment.

    From certain point of Raspberry Pi 2 image release, they've decided to boot with HYP mode (not SVC mode).

    Inserting following check code resolves the issue.

        cpsid if
        /* Check if HYP mode */
        mrs r0, cpsr_all
        and r0, r0, #0x1F
        mov r8, #0x1A
        cmp r0, r8
        beq overHyped
        b continueBoot
    overHyped: /* Get out of HYP mode */
        ldr r1, =continueBoot
        msr ELR_hyp, r1
        mrs r1, cpsr_all
        and r1, r1, #0x1f   ;@ CPSR_MODE_MASK
        orr r1, r1, #0x13   ;@ CPSR_MODE_SUPERVISOR
        msr SPSR_hyp, r1