I have set up a ghost blog via azure marketplace, which should be the equvilant of clicking deploy to azure from https://github.com/felixrieseberg/Ghost-Azure
Let's say I have it at: theblog.azurewebsites.net/
I want it to be at https://www.mycustomdomain.com/blog and I have the main site in another app service, let's say at mainsite.azurewebsites.net/ this site has mycustomdomain.com DNS all set up with a certificate.
Within this site I have the Rewrite in the web.config
<rule name="Reverse Proxy to blog" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^blog(.*)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="https://theblog.azurewebsites.net/blog/{R:1}" />
At the moment I am trying to get this right in the staging site so I am viewing the blog at https://mainsite-staging.azurewebsites.net/blog/
The above rewrite successfully shows me the blog hosted at theblog.azurewebsites.net without changing the url in the browser. In theblog I also have websiteUrl app setting as https://www.mycustomdomain.com.au/blog so my canonical urls are correct in the blog posts.
Remaining Problems
I have searched the internet for ages...
I answered: Turns out there is also a websiteUrlSSL app setting that is not mentioned on the readme.
I just needed to set this too.
Turns out there is also a websiteUrlSSL app setting that is not mentioned on the readme.
I just needed to set this too.