When I try to delete or edit a node in my realtime database, I always get the info that I have to select a key with lesser elements to change something, else it is in read-only modus.
But when I click a low level node, nothing happens. So I actually can change nothing in my DB from console :(
A week ago I didn't see this warning and everything works great! Any idea how I can get back to working version?
I also think the german translation is not very good, because it tells me that I should activate another mode. In English it says, that the mode got activated.
Update 5/24/17: Problem resolved. Works now.
It seems the ability to click on a child node and promote it to be the top element of the tree is broken. Doesn't work for me either, even on a small database that is not in Read-only & non-realtime mode. I'm almost sure it was working a day or two ago.
I'm seeing the failure when using Chrome. Just tried Internet Explorer. Its works there.