I'm 4th week into programming(python) and it's getting serious. Our professor asked us to programme a field in python, existing of fields of increasing length for the representation of the triangle of Pascal:
b = [[1],[1,1],[1,2,1],[1,3,3,1],...]
We are just beginning with basics of coding, meaning we are not allowed to use any add-ons like functions or the like. For the most, we worked with while- and for-loops, and with the if statements.
I would really need help to get started here. I began like this:
n = int(input("Number of layers="))
b = [[1]]
for layer in range(0,n):
for row in range(0,n):
and here is the point where I am stuck.
I see the structure in the way the triangle of pascale is presented: As far as I can see, the length of the fields inside of b grows by 1 with each additional layer. I had an idea, that I could check for outside elements, because they always keep the value "1". I just don't find a solution, how to do that..
However, I just cannot find a starting point from here on to keep going.. Maybe someone can help me out.. Please keep in mind, that I have to keep it to while- , and for- loops. That is it. No extra functions or something.
Im sure there are really nice solution out there but if you are looking for something that is on beginer level check out this
n = 5 #depth of the pascal tree
pascal = []
for x in range(n):
if x == 0:
help_list = [1]
if x==1:
help_list = [1,1]
help_list = [l for l in range(x+1)] #this will just initialize list so you can add to it
for y in range(1,x):
help_list[0] = 1
help_list[x] = 1
help_list[y] = pascal[x-1][y] + pascal[x-1][y-1]