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How to override template_name in SelectDateWidget (Django 1.11)

I need to wrap the fields in div. In Django 1.10:

class CustomSelectDateWidget (SelectDateWidget):
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
       output = []
       for field in self._parse_date_fmt():
            if field == 'year':
                output.append('<div class="input-field col s4">' + html['year'] + '</div>')
            elif field == 'month':
                output.append('<div class="input-field col s5">' + html['month'] + '</div>')
            elif field == 'day':
                output.append('<div class="input-field col s3">' + html['day'] + '</div>')
        return mark_safe('\n'.join(output))

It dosn`t work in Django 1.11. I tried to override 'django/forms/widgets/select_date.html':

class CustomDateWidget(SelectDateWidget):
    def get_template_names(self):
        return ['accounts/custom_select_date.html']

But Django include 'django/forms/widgets/select_date.html' instead of my template 'accounts/templates/accounts/custom_select_date.html'. No error messages are displayed.


  • So I found a simple way to do it. In my case I wanted to show the image in an ImageField. Here's teh codez:

    Copy django's clearable_file_input.html template, customise it and save it to, e.g. django_overrides/forms/widgets/clearable_file_input.html, e.g.:

    {% if is_initial %}{{ initial_text }}: <img src="{{ widget.value.url }}" />{% if not widget.required %}
    <input type="checkbox" name="{{ checkbox_name }}" id="{{ checkbox_id }}" />
    <label for="{{ checkbox_id }}">{{ clear_checkbox_label }}</label>{% endif %}<br />
    {{ input_text }}:{% endif %}
    <input type="{{ widget.type }}" name="{{ }}"{% include "django/forms/widgets/attrs.html" %} />

    Subclass the original widget, setting the template_name to your new template:

    from django.forms import ClearableFileInput
    class CustomClearableFileInputWidget(ClearableFileInput):
        template_name = 'django_overrides/forms/widgets/clearable_file_input.html'

    Update your forms to use this widget:

    class UserProfileForm(ModelForm):
        class Meta:
            model = UserProfile
            exclude = ['id', 'user']
            widgets = {
                'photo': CustomClearableFileInputWidget,