I was just playing around with sound input and output on a raspberry pi using python. My plan was to read the input of a microphone, manipulate it and playback the manipulated audio. At the moment I tried to read and playback the audio. The reading seems to work, since i wrote the read data into a wave file in the last step, and the wave file seemed fine. But the playback is noise sounds only. Playing the wave file worked as well, so the headset is fine. I think maybe I got some problem in my settings or the output format. The code:
import alsaaudio as audio
import time
import audioop
#Input & Output Settings
periodsize = 1024
audioformat = audio.PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE
channels = 16
#Input Device
inp = audio.PCM(audio.PCM_CAPTURE,audio.PCM_NONBLOCK,device='hw:1,0')
#Output Device
out = audio.PCM(audio.PCM_PLAYBACK,device='hw:0,0')
#Reading the Input
allData = bytearray()
count = 0
while True:
#reading the input into one long bytearray
l,data = inp.read()
for b in data:
#Just an ending condition
count += 1
if count == 4000:
#splitting the bytearray into period sized chunks
list1 = [allData[i:i+periodsize] for i in range(0, len(allData), periodsize)]
#Writing the output
for arr in list1:
# I tested writing the arr's to a wave file at this point
# and the wave file was fine
Edit: Maybe I should mention, that I am using python 3
I just found the answer. audioformat = audio.PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE
this format isn't the one used by my Headset (just copied and pasted it without a second thought).
I found out about my microphones format (and additional information) by running speaker-test
in the console.
Since my speakers format is S16_LE the code works fine with audioformat = audio.PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE