I want to write a ansible playbook where we can provide a username and ansible will display the authorized keys for that user. The path to the authorized keys is {{user_home_dir}}/.ssh/authorized_keys.
I tried with shell module like below:
- name: Get authorized_keys
shell: cat "{{ user_home_dir }}"/.ssh/authorized_keys
register: read_key
- name: Prints out authorized_key
debug: var=read_key.stdout_lines
The problem is, it will show me the file inside /home/ansible/.ssh/authorized_keys. "ansible" is the user that I am using to connect to remote machine.
Below is vars/main.yml
authorized_user: username
user_home_dir: "{{ lookup('env','HOME') }}"
Any idea? FYI I am new to ansible and tried this link already.
Below worked. We need to have become too otherwise we will get permission denied error.
- hosts: local
remote_user: ansible
gather_facts: no
become: yes
become_method: sudo
username: myuser
- name: get user info
split: ":"
database: passwd
key: "{{ username }}"
- name: Get authorized_keys
shell: cat "{{ getent_passwd[username][4] }}"/.ssh/authorized_keys
register: read_key
- name: Prints out authorized_key
debug: var=read_key.stdout_lines