so today I was trying to upload photo from admin file to user file. One thing I discovered is that my code works fine, but something is a little bit wrong I don't know where. When I successfully uploaded the picture, the picture didn't appear. But it successfully been uploaded. Could you help me out?
This is the code I used to upload the picture
require_once ('db/database.php');
$name = basename($_FILES['file_upload']['name']);
$t_name = $_FILES['file_upload']['tmp_name'];
$dir = 'fotovid';
$kat = $_POST['kat'];
if(move_uploaded_file($t_name, $dir."/".$name))
mysqli_select_db($koneksi, 'koneksi_oop');
$query = "INSERT INTO gallery (id_gambar, kat_gambar, nama_gambar, path) VALUES ('', $kat, '$name', 'fotovid/$name')";
$res = mysqli_query($koneksi, $query);
echo "Berhasil upload foto";
} else {
echo "Gagal upload foto";
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="panel"">
<div align="center" style="padding-top: 100px;">
<!-- <div class="container1" style="background-color: none;margin-bottom: 235px;">
<label for="file-input">Upload Video</label>
<input type="file" accept=".mp4,.mkv" id = "file-input" style="background-color: none; width: 300px; "><br/>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "assets/js/videoJS.js"></script>
</div> -->
<form action="inputfoto.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file_upload" /><br/>
<input type="text" name="kat"><br/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload">
While this is the class where I call 2 categories from database, which is 'Foto' and 'Video'.
include ('admin/db/database.php');
$query = "SELECT * FROM kategori_gambar";
$res = mysqli_query($koneksi, $query);
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($res))
<fieldset style="margin:0px 40px 100px 40px;">
<a href="keluar_gambar.php?kat_gambar=<?= $row['id'];?>">
echo $row['nama'];
And the last one is where the output should comes out.
$query = "SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE kat_gambar =".$_GET['kat_gambar'];
$res = mysqli_query($koneksi, $query);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src = "<?php echo $row['path']; ?>" width='300px' height= "200px" /><br/>
This is what happened when I tried to insert the image
I think there is a permission issue. could you please show us the output of the following code.
and also check the folder where you tried to upload.