I'm trying to send a single string to a REST API via Spring Boot but I keep getting 400: Bad Request. I checked through postman that this json is accepted by the API:
"currency": "USD"
I wrote the following piece of code to post to this service:
public Account createAccount(Currency currency)
Account account = (Account) restTemplate.postForObject(url, currency.toString(), Account.class);
return account;
Currency enum is given below:
public enum Currency
I tried both by sending it as the enum and string value, none worked.
You should create a class that encapsulates the enum eg:
public class CreateAccountRequest {
private final Currency currency;
public CreateAccountRequest(Currency currency) {
this.currency = currency;
public Currency getCurrency() {
Then when you do postForObject:
restTemplate.postForObject(url, createAccountRequest, Account.class);