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scalike-jdbc - How to specify column alias in query?

I defined an object to help to convert result set into POJO.

  // an object, that help to map from query result to POJO,
  object Dummy extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Dummy] {
    override val tableName = "dummy"
    def apply(rs: WrappedResultSet) = new Dummy(
      rs.long("id"), rs.stringOpt("name"), rs.intOpt("size"), rs.jodaDateTime("create_date"))

Then following code try to query from a table,

  /*** query - with condition - start ***/
  // use paste mode (:paste) on the Scala REPL
  val d = Dummy.syntax("d")
  val name = "hello"
  val helloDummyOpt: Option[Dummy] = withSQL {
    select.from(Dummy as d).where.eq(, name).limit(1)
  }.map(rs => Dummy(rs)).single.apply()

  printf("hello dummy:\t%s\n", if(helloDummyOpt.isDefined) helloDummyOpt.get else "")
  /*** query - with condition - end ***/

From console, I can see the generated sql is:

select as i_on_d, as n_on_d, d.size as s_on_d, d.create_date as cd_on_d
from dummy d where = 'hello' limit 1;

In order to make the convert work, need to change column alias in generated sql to remain as the original name in table, e.g name instead of n_on_d.

So, how to do that, thanks.


The complete code is here:

package eric.scalikejdbc

import scalikejdbc._
import org.postgresql.Driver._
import org.joda.time._

 * scalikejdbc hello.
 * @author eric
 * @date Jul 6, 2016 23:14:07 PM
object ScalikeJdbcHello extends App {
  ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sportslight", "postgres", "123456")

  implicit val session = AutoSession

  /*** query - parse as List of Map - start ***/
  // find rows, with limit 10000,
  val entities: List[Map[String, Any]] = sql"select * from dummy limit 10000".map(_.toMap).list.apply()
  printf("dummy count: %d\n", entities.size)
  /*** query - parse as List of Map - end ***/

  /*** query - parse as POJO - start ***/
  // define a POJO class,
  case class Dummy(id: Long, name: Option[String], size: Option[Int], createDate: DateTime)

  // an object, that help to map from query result to POJO,
  object Dummy extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Dummy] {
    override val tableName = "dummy"
    def apply(rs: WrappedResultSet) = new Dummy(
      rs.long("id"), rs.stringOpt("name"), rs.intOpt("size"), rs.jodaDateTime("create_date"))

  // find top 10 rows,
  val dummyList: List[Dummy] = sql"select * from dummy limit 10".map(rs => Dummy(rs)).list.apply()

  var i = 0;
  printf("dummy top rows:\n")
  for (d <- dummyList) {
    printf("\t[%d] %s\n", i, d)
    i = i + 1
  /*** query - parse as POJO - end ***/

  /*** query - with condition - start ***/
  // TODO ... specify column name in result,
  val d = Dummy.syntax("d")
  val name = "hello"
  val helloDummyOpt: Option[Dummy] = withSQL {
    select.from(Dummy as d).where.eq(, name).limit(1)
  }.map(rs => Dummy(rs)).single.apply()

  printf("hello dummy:\t%s\n", if(helloDummyOpt.isDefined) helloDummyOpt.get else "")
  /*** query - with condition - end ***/

And here is the sql to create table & initialize data for postgresql:

/* table - dummy */
-- drop table
drop table if exists dummy;

-- create table
create table dummy (
    id serial8,
    name varchar(50) not null,
    size int not null,
    create_date timestamptz,
    primary key (id)

-- init data - dummy
insert into dummy(name, size, create_date) values
('test', 1, now()),
('hello', 1, now());


  • select.from calls alias.result.*. Calling alias.* simply returns column names as-is.

    scala> select(a.*).from(Article as a).toSQL.statement
    res7: String = select, a.title, a.body, a.created_at, a.updated_at from articles a
    scala> select(a.result.*).from(Article as a).toSQL.statement
    res8: String = select as i_on_a, a.title as t_on_a, a.body as b_on_a, a.created_at as ca_on_a, a.updated_at as ua_on_a from articles a
    scala> select.from(Article as a).toSQL.statement
    res9: String = select as i_on_a, a.title as t_on_a, a.body as b_on_a, a.created_at as ca_on_a, a.updated_at as ua_on_a from articles a