Using the table below:
id: integer| col_1: VARCHAR| col_2: VARCHAR | col_3: VARCHAR
1 | 'a' | 'b' | null
2 | null | 'b' | 'c'
3 | 'd' | 'e' | null
4 | null | 'e' | 'f'
I would like to get the following result:
'a' | 'b' | 'c'
'd' | 'e' | 'f'
I tried this query:
SELECT colaesce(t.col_1), colaesce(t.col_2), coalesce(t.col_3)
FROM ( select * from table ) t
INNER JOIN table ON t.col_2 = table.col_2;
I'm new to SQL and I would appreciate any help !
Try something like this with UNION
;with cte as(
select [rn] = row_number() over(
partition by t.[cols]
order by t.[col_val]
), *
select [col_1] [col_val], 'col_1' [cols]
from [your_table_name]
where [col_1] is not null
select [col_2], 'col_2'
from [your_table_name]
where [col_2] is not null
select [col_3], 'col_3'
from [your_table_name]
where [col_3] is not null
max(case [cols] when 'col_1' then [col_val] end) [col_1],
max(case [cols] when 'col_2' then [col_val] end) [col_2],
max(case [cols] when 'col_3' then [col_val] end) [col_3]
from cte
group by [rn];