I released an iOS app to App Store with Facebook SDK integrated.
During the submission, Itunes Connect asked me about IDFA:
Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)?
and I checked "No".
It passed App Store review successfully. There was no problem.
And after the submission, I found several links saying that, in my case, "Yes" should have been chosen for the question:
My app don't serve advertisements but logs app installs and some events.
For instance, it contains codes like:
FBSDKAppEvents.logEvent("Some events")
Now it seems quite obvious that my app uses IDFA and it was a mistake that I chose "No".
But the only thing confusing me is that my app passed review without any rejection.
Is it possible that an iOS app with improper IDFA information passes App Store review?
In my opinion, if Apple verifies IDFA information by human, I think it might be possible and my first submission was just lucky.
But if it is verified by the machine, then my answer ("No") was right and I am going to choose "No" again.
Is there anybody with similar experiences?
Finally, I tried and got the answer.
I submitted the new version of my app with checking "Yes" to the IDFA question and it passed the review.
There was no changes related with FBSDK. That is, from the point of view of IDFA, those binaries can be considered to be same.
So the conclusion is: