I'm trying to disconnect from a BLE device. I'm doing cancelPeripheralConnection()
and its never calling didDisconnectPeripheral()
I'm setting notify value to one characteristic, so while disconnecting i'm setting it false.
BLEOperations.sharedInstance.connectedDevice?.setNotifyValue(false, for: BLEOperations.sharedInstance.peripheralCharacteristics[0])
I'm trying to disconnect connectedPeripheral when user tries to connect to new device. The current device is not disconnected but new device is connected along with old one.
BLEOperations.sharedInstance.manager.connect(self.peripheralArray[indexPath.row] as! CBPeripheral , options: nil)
What am i doing wrong here? When device connection is lost the method is being called.
It will work fine when the CentralManager has only one instance in the entire flow.
Instead of using centralmanagerdelegates in viewcontroller, you can create a CentralManager operations class (which is a singleton) and perform operations.
I did that and its working fine.