Suppose i have this view function:
view: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
img [ src "static/img/elm.jpg" ] []
How to make sure webpack 2 knows about it and loads it inside the dist
folder as expected?
I found elm-asssets-loader
package here - which is build for this scenario - but i don't understand how to use it.
my webpack.config.js
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.elm$/,
exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
use: [{
loader: 'elm-hot-loader'
loader: 'elm-webpack-loader?verbose=true&warn=true&debug=true'
loader: 'elm-assets-loader?module=MyAssets&tagger=AssetPath'
I've seen elmAssetsLoader
and fileLoader
custom functions mentioned inside the docks - but is not clear where to put them. I tried placing them inside module.exports object
, inside modules
, inside plugins
.. every time i get this error:
Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema...
I also tried placing the elm-assets-loader
before and after the elm--webpack-loader
. When placed after elm-webpack-loader
- i get an error inside the Main.elm
file - which is wired because the Main.elm
is just fine. Nothing wrong with it.
And when i place it before elm-webpack-loader
absolutely nothing happens. Not even a warning message.
I also have the 2 modules as instructed:
-- module MyAssets exposing (..)
-- type AssetPath
-- = AssetPath String
-- elmImage : AssetPath
-- elmImage =
-- AssetPath "../static/img/elm.jpg" -- this is the location of my image, and it's correct.
and a view module with the image:
module View exposing (..)
view =
img [ src "what to put in here?" ] []
I'm new to webpack and that's probably why is not obvious to me what should i do. I want to understand the big picture. How things are wired.
What should i have inside my Html.Attributes.src
function ?
I blindly tried many things. None of them worked. I lack the intuition.
Can somebody please provide a clear implementation of how this elm image/assets loading
actually works in webpack 2
? Thanks :)
I also tried placing the elm-assets-loader before and after the elm--webpack-loader
elm-assets-loader takes the output of elm-webpack-loader and looks for asset paths in the compiled JavaScript. As webpack applies loaders in the use
config from bottom to top, you want something like
use: [{
loader: 'elm-hot-loader'
loader: 'elm-assets-loader?module=MyAssets&tagger=AssetPath'
loader: 'elm-webpack-loader?verbose=true&warn=true&debug=true'
And when i place it before elm-webpack-loader absolutely nothing happens. Not even a warning message.
This could be from not specifying the correct package
in the loader config. If your elm-package.json
's repository
is something that is not ""
, you need to specify the package:
// when the repository is ""
loader: 'elm-assets-loader?module=MyAssets&tagger=AssetPath&package=alon/elmapp'
This is needed because elm-assets-loader looks for JavaScript code that looks like:
and if the package isn't correctly configured, it fails to find what it's supposed to find.
img [ src "what to put in here?" ] []
You need a helper function to pull out the string value contained in the AssetPath
module MyAssets exposing(AssetPath(..), path, elmImage)
path : AssetPath -> String
path (AssetPath str) =
view =
img [ src <| MyAssets.path <| MyAssets.elmImage ] []