create table #Contact(
LoanNumber int,
ContactType varchar(10),
CompanyName varchar(10),
CompanyPhone varchar(10),
Insert into #Contact
values (1,'Appriaser','Yige King','11' ),
(1,'AssetOwner','gqqnbig','22' )
This is my table. ContactTypes are only Appriaser and AssetOwner.
Can I get a table like
LoanNumber AppraiserCompanyName AppraiserCompanyPhone AssertOwnerCompanyName AssertOwnerCompanyPhone
6103339 YigeKing 11 gqqnbig 22
I managed to write this
select LoanNumber,
CompanyNamePT.Appriaser as AppriaserCompanyName, CompanyNamePT.AssetOwner as AssetOwnerCompanyName
--CompanyPhonePT.Appriaser as AppriaserCompanyPhone, CompanyPhonePT.AssetOwner as AssetOwnerCompanyPhone
from (
select #contact.LoanNumber, #contact.ContactType, #contact.CompanyName
from #contact
) as c
pivot ( max(c.CompanyName) for c.ContactType in (Appriaser,AssetOwner)) as CompanyNamePT
--pivot ( max(c.CompanyPhone) for c.ContactType in ([Appriaser],[AssetOwner])) as CompanyPhonePT
It outputs company names, but if I uncomment the two lines to get phone number, it throws syntax error.
How can I make it work? Ideally I want to use pivot because I'm learnig it.
For the desired PIVOT
Select *
From (
Select C.LoanNumber
From #Contact C
Cross Apply ( values (IIF(ContactType='Appriaser' ,'AppraiserCompanyName' , 'AssetOwnerCompanyName') ,C.CompanyName)
,(IIF(ContactType='Appriaser' , 'AppraiserCompanyPhone', 'AssetOwnerCompanyPhone'),C.CompanyPhone)
) B (Item,Value)
) A
pivot ( max(A.Value) for A.Item in ([AppraiserCompanyName],[AppraiserCompanyPhone],[AssetOwnerCompanyName],[AssetOwnerCompanyPhone]) ) P
But a Conditional Aggregation would do as well
Select C.LoanNumber
,AppraiserCompanyName = max(case when ContactType='Appriaser' then C.CompanyName end)
,AppraiserCompanyPhone = max(case when ContactType='Appriaser' then C.CompanyPhone end)
,AssetOwnerCompanyName = max(case when ContactType='AssetOwner' then C.CompanyName end)
,AssetOwnerCompanyPhone = max(case when ContactType='AssetOwner' then C.CompanyPhone end)
From #Contact C
Group By C.LoanNumber
Both Would Return
If it Helps with the Visualization, the sub-query with the Cross Apply Generates