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Justifying a Type Equivalency Asserted in Haskell Lens Library

According to the tutorial on Lenses:

type Getting b a b  = (b -> Const b b) -> (a -> Const b a)

-- ... equivalent to: (b ->       b  ) -> (a ->       b  )

-- ... equivalent to:                     (a ->       b  )

Question: Why is (b -> b) -> (a -> b) equivalent to (a -> b)?


  • The tutorial isn't very precise about this. Here's the full definition of Getting:

    type Getting r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> s -> Const r s

    Stripping off the newtype noise,

    Getting r s a ~= (a -> r) -> s -> r

    The interesting isomorphism you should get from this is the following:

    (forall r. Getting r s a) ~= s -> a

    In a now-deleted comment, chi pointed out that this is a special case of the Yoneda lemma.

    The isomorphism is witnessed by

    fromGetting :: Getting a s a -> (s -> a)
    fromGetting g = getConst . g Const
               -- ~= g id
    -- Note that the type of fromGetting is a harmless generalization of
    -- fromGetting :: (forall r. Getting r s a) -> (s -> a)
    toGetting :: (s -> a) -> Getting r s a
    toGetting f g = Const . getConst . g . f
               -- ~= g . f
    -- Note that you can read the signature of toGetting as
    -- toGetting :: (s -> a) -> (forall r. Getting r s a)

    Neither fromGetting nor toGetting has a rank-2 type, but to describe the isomorphism, the forall is essential. Why is this an isomorphism?.

    One side is easy: ignoring the Const noise,

      fromGetting (toGetting f)
    = toGetting f id
    = id . f
    = f

    The other side is trickier.

      toGetting (fromGetting f)
    = toGetting (f id)
    = \g -> toGetting (f id) g
    = \g -> g . f id

    Why is this equivalent to f? The forall is the key here:

    f :: forall r. Getting r s a
      -- forall r. (a -> r) -> s -> r

    f has no way to produce an r except by applying the passed function (let's call it p) to a value of type a. It's given nothing but p and a value of type s. So f really can't do anything except extract an a from the s and apply p to the result. That is, f p must "factor" into the composition of two functions:

    f p = p . h


    g . f id = g . (id . h) = g . h = f g